Pemba (Bairros di Cariacò, di Natite and di Lioce) and Chiure
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Project start year
The project intends to ensure attendance at kindergarten for children between 3 and 6 years of age, through enrollment, the provision of uniforms and nutrition.
Project leader
Missionários da Boa Nova of Pemba; Irmas Salesianas of Chiure
About 300 children
Aim for the three-year period 2025-2027
Increase in the number of children assisted by the project. Teaching of the Portuguese language with contributions prepared by the Catholic University of Milan (Master: Help Relations in contexts of International Vulnerability). Restructuring and expansion of existing kindergartens.
Project supported in the 2014-2015 period also with 8 x 1000 funds from the Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches, as part of the "Hoje vamos aprender" project.
To contribute
You can contribute by bank transfer to MUINDI E.T.S. - IBAN: IT24T0306901626100000124118 - reason: Vamos à Escolinha, or by credit card by clicking on the Donation (Donazione) button.