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Pemba – Escola Secundaria Maria Mazzarello

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Project start year



Construction of classrooms to be used for training activities to learn the work of electrician, plumber, cook, pastry chef at the Maria Mazzarello secondary school in Pemba.
Classroom training will take place both in the presence of teachers and with remote learning connections with the direction and supervision of the local Salesian Sisters.

Project leader

Irmas Salesianas di Pemba


Over 200 girls/boys a year

Aim for the three-year period 2025-2027

Construction of classrooms and start-up of courses trying to involve in the project national and international companies operating in Pemba, where students could attend internships and, in perspective, be hired.

To contribute

You can contribute by bank transfer to MUINDI E.T.S. - IBAN: IT24T0306901626100000124118 - reason: Vamos Aprender o Trabalho, or by credit card by clicking on the Donation (Donazione) button.

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